Monday, January 13, 2014

My Intro



My Intro


            As my title states my name is Tyler Courtney. I am from Simi Valley about a ½ hour away from Goleta where I meet my long-term girlfriend. I have been in school my entire life and I believe whole-heartily that there is always something more to learn but I like to expand that we determine the rate in which we learn. I have been determined to make sure that there has been no stall in my education. I graduated high school and due to my modest family income had to go to Moorpark community college even though being accepted into CSUN and UCI. I also had to get a full-time job in order to provide for myself and my initial college education. So I went to Moorpark College determined to make sure I could get into a University grade college so I applied for the TAG program which guarantees entrance into UC colleges with various standards. After attaining and executing my initial academic plan I was accepted into several universities and chose to come to UCSB.

            Before coming to UCSB I decided to major in History and minor in writing. I then joined and helped start Sigma nu Fraternity which at the time consisted of eight people. As of today we have gained over 50 members into our fraternity and have a top ranked fraternity house. I was elected to be the House Manager and have been working on my History major as well as my writing minor. I have also retained a job as a Home Depot cashier part-time all of which have given me a full schedule which as of recently been a real ordeal.

            But every obstacle has been an opportunity to succeed and so I look at every difficulty with a positive attitude.